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Advocacy for Peace
"I saw but one glaring truth: These are not natural disasters but man-made tragedies for which there is only one manmade solution-peace."
Audrey Hepburn
Actress & Humanitarian Netherlands
"If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children."
Mahatma Ghandi
Political and Spiritual Leader India
The power of cinema in shaping society is importan. The ‘Universal Kids Film Festival, is an attempt to bring the best international children’s films in Istanbul to open young hearts and minds on the values of friendship, understanding and tolerance in order to develop a caring and peace loving society. One of the highlights of the festival is the showing of UNICEF films on children’s rights. We hope that this special feature of the festival will make us more aware of our responsibility as adults towards the welfare of our children and ensure that they have a future free of hunger and war.
With 3 million children in Istanbul and more than 20 million in Turkey, this festival is an offering to the young and young at heart and our way of saying:
As we stand at the dawn of the 21st century, we are faced with the challenge of world peace and the state of children in many poor countries. There is war and famine where the most vulnerable members are the young. To leave a legacy of peace and a world free of hunger for the next generation is a Herculian task. However, we believe that there is strength in concerted action and cooperation. If everyone will try to contribute, no matter how small, no task is impossible to surmount.
Festıval secretarıat
Festival Directress: Rowena Martinez Ulayan Tuzcuoglu
Program Coordinators: Kezban Ucguden
Education Coordinator: Selma AltindaÄŸ
Hospitality Coordinator: Sevin Kakalicoglu
Film Screening Coordinator: Semih Ozel
Documentation & Communications: Cağrı Tuzcuoglu
Sponsorship Coordinator: Marivic Vardal, Eda Buyukkakas
Graphic and Publications: Gokcen Kalafat
Film Industry Coordinator: Katherine Tuncer
Student Volunteer Coordinators: Mehmet Can Demirhisar, Izem Ozel
Corollary Activities Coordinator: Ezgi Akyuz
Accountant: Kadir Ovez