Cveti Lozanova – Actress
Bulgaria- Actress

Media Lab, Serbia
Ivan Mandiç-Film Director

Film Workshop I Animation Workshop
Workshop Masters:
Prof. Huiching Tseng – Kun Shan University, Taiwan
Prof Shon Kim – Hanyang University, Korea
Assistant Coordinators: Alev Metiner & Mehmet Can Demirhisar
Age Group: 7-12 Years Old
Date: 18, 19, 20 September 2017 Time: 10:00 – 17:00
Venue: Via Sea Marina
Number of Participants: 15
Language: English & Turkish
Badge for festival accreditation
Participants will learn techniques in making animation films with distinguished film professors from Korea and Taiwan. At the end of the session kids will finish short animation movies which will be screened during the festival.
Animation Workshop
Kun Shan University, Taiwan
Professor Huiching Tseng

Han Yang University, South Korea
Professor Shon Kim
General Coordinator: Cagri Tuzcuoglu
Film Workshop II Animation Workshop
Workshop Master:
Yuriy Ivanov - KROK STUDIO, Ukraine
Assistant Coordinator: Alev Metiner
Date: 22, 23 November 2017
Time: 10:00 - 17:00
Venue: Via Sea Marina
Age Group 7-15 Years old
Number of Participants: 15
Language; Russian & Turkish
Badge for festival accreditation
Participants will learn techniques in making animation films with an award winning animator snd a founder of a very famous Children’s Film Studio KROK. At the end of the session kids will finish short animation movies which will be screened during the festival.